
Paul League, September 2, 2018

September 8, 2018 Meeting and Demonstration: Jim Duxbury

PALMETTO WOODTURNERS (PWT), will meet Saturday, September 8, 2018 at 9:00 AM. The meeting will be at Mann Tool, 802 Chris Drive, West Columbia, SC. We will have a brief session for club business and announcements.

Highway access to Mann Tool remains limited. Chris Drive is now closed from both US Highway #1 (Augusta Road), and from Leaphart Road. The primary access is from US Highway 378 (Sunset Blvd.). Access to Chris Drive also is possible from Leaphart Road via Morningside Drive, Hook Avenue, and Klapman Road.

Jim is not a stranger to many PWT members, having appeared for demonstrations on multiple occasions at our monthly meetings. He resides in Graham, North Carolina and is a member of the AAW, as well as Carolina Mountain Woodturners, North Coast Woodturners (Ohio), Piedmont Triad Woodturners Association (N.C.), and the Woodworkers Guild of North Carolina. The AAW website includes the following biographical information on Mr. Duxbury:

"Professional woodturner/inventor. The kind of guy who thinks and creates out of the box. I teach precision woodturning and make it fun. Kaleidoscopes are my signature item. I excel at one of a kind, functional and artistic pieces."

Jim’s informative website can be accessed at:

Jim also will be teaching a hand’s-on class on Friday, September 7, 2018. Please see Jim Waterbury’s earlier emails for additional information on the class. When I last spoke with Jim last week, two open spots remained.

Pen Turning for Veterans

PWT has wrapped up its 2018 pen turning project for veterans. Please finish up any pen kits that you have and return the finished pens at the September meeting. Thanks to all members who have contributed to this project.

President's Challenge for September – Alternative Materials

Anybody can turn wood; heck, it even grows on trees. The challenge for the September meeting is to turn an item out of something other than wood. For this challenge, wood can be part of the turned item; however, the alternative material should constitute a material and/or significant part of the turning. Whether you turn bone, horn, brass, pewter, plastic, resin, or another material is entirely up to you. Hope to see some interesting work in September.

President's Challenge for October – Turning Small

The challenge for the October meeting is turning small. What you turn is not important; how you turn it is. The may turn any item you choose (e.g., goblet, top, bowl, candlestick, etc.); however, the objective is to see how much you can downsize the item. Yes, Terry Daw may have a head start on everyone, but let his work be an inspiration to you. Each member displaying a turned item in the challenge will be eligible for the December, 2018 President’s Challenge raffle.

Display of Members' Work

Bring your latest (or oldest) work for display. Displays are an important part of our monthly meeting and provide inspiration to the members.