
Month Demonstrator Topic
January Jim Waterbury Classic peppermills
February <canceled> Informal meeting during hands-on and demonstration times for those that wish to meet
March <canceled> Informal meeting during hands-on and demonstration times for those that wish to meet
April Jim Waterbury French-style rolling pins
May  Todd Stevens Wooden Tulips
June Bob Baucom  Inside-out ornaments
July Tom Hoult Turning a bowl from a flat piece of wood (bowl-from-board)
August Richard Cale Turning a natural-edge bowl
September  Mike Weaver and David Fellows Captive ring tools, goblets, and baby rattles
October Frank Bowers  "Poor Man's Hollowing"
November  Pat Harris Christmas ornaments

2022 President's Challenges

  • January: Womens or mens jewelry (wood or acrylic)
  • February: Rolling pin (any style)
  • March: Toothpick holder (and at least one hand-turned toothpick)
  • April: Goblet (any size)
  • May: Offset candle holder (at least one part must be turned offset)
  • June: Birdhouse (miniature or full-sized, but must be turned on a lathe)
  • July: Baby rattle (captive rings)
  • August: Hollow form (any size)
  • September: Flower/weed/twig pot
  • October: Object with a finial on top and/or bottom
  • November: Three-piece hollow form Christmas ornament
  • December: Christmas ornament (any style) to donate to Mann Tool Christmas tree for Epworth fundraiser